Sunday, October 29, 2006


A little bit about some projects that I'm working on right now. I am the Education Program Coordinator for Canada's National History Society. It's a new position and my main project right now is developing a series of online newsletters that contain articles from The Beaver:Canada's History Magazine and Kayak:Canada's History Magazine for Kids.

The newsletters are pretty cool and allow the History Society to share content with a wide range of teachers and educators. It's neat to think that even just a few years ago a similar newsletter would not have been possible. But more than that it's a fun opportunity to also help teachers get more familiar with web based projects with educational goals.

I've started working on creating a series of blogs related to the material in The Beaver. This hopefully will just be the start of many more such projects. In one of the upcoming issues I hope to expand a project that I worked on this past summer with Professor Bill Turkel. In that instance we used Google Maps to map back issue of The Beaver magazine, locating individual articles by place. You can check out the example of the work here. Hopefully in the future we can use this program to create easy and fun projects that teachers can use in the classroom.

For more info on receiving either free newsletter please give me a shout at

1 comment:

fdmillar said...

The digital map is a great idea, and I am citing it in a "digital literacy" page I'm creating for Montreal's Atwater Library. To my regret, it lacks a key article on an Labroador Inuit woman: "The Two Worlds of Mikak," in The Beaver 314: 3 (Winter 1983). Any way to reinsert it under both categories?
Let's correspond. I've bookmarked your blog.